This page, general information about Grótta is available in English. Please click here to change the language. 

The sports club Grótta was founded on April 24, 1967 by Garðar Guðmundsson who called some boys in Seltjarnarnes for organized football training in the summer of 1966.

Grótta's purpose is to offer organized sports and social activities for its members.

Today, there are three divisions within Grótta:
- Gymnastics, handball and football.

All professional registrations take place in Sportabler. More information about the registration process here

Grótta uses the communication program Sportabler, where all training sessions for the relevant category are displayed and in addition most communication with coaches goes through it. 

If you have any questions about the club's work, it is best to contact the relevant coach or head coach via Sportabler or by email.

The sports club Grótta is based on Suðurströnd in Seltjarnarnes. The location on the map can be found here.

Grótta's office is on the 2nd floor of the sports hall and is open every weekday from 13:00 - 16:00.

Employees of Grótta's office

Jón Sigurðsson

Managing director

Hrafnhildur Sigurjónsdóttir

Project Manager

Registration of practitioners

Skráning iðkenda fer fram í gegnum Abler. Ef þú þekkir nú þegar forritið getur þú ýtt hér. Fyrir nánari leiðbeiningar er hægt að lesa upplýsingar á skráningarsíðu Gróttu hér.

  • It is very important to register practitioners as soon as possible after training begins.
  • Practitioners who are not registered with the club do not have the right to participate in tournaments / games organized by the club.
  • If a practitioner is not registered with the club, the practitioner is uninsured, both during training and in competitions.


Volunteers do various jobs within the Grótta sports movement. For example, sitting on board divisions, participating in tournaments, organizing events, and much more.

If you are interested in joining a group of diligent volunteers, please contact Jón, Grótta's managing director

In Grótta's online store you can find various products from Grótta's departments. You can shop easily in the online store and pick up products at Grótta's office. More here.

Grótta's educational site

Team Grótta puts a lot of effort into providing good education to practitioners, parents, coaches, and employees in many areas within the sports movement. On Grótta's educational page is a large selection of educational materials available.

Gymnastics division

Grótta's gymnastics division is very popular and there is high demand for gymnastics every year. It is therefore important that parents monitor when registrations open. Pre-registration in gymnastics usually starts at the beginning of June each year. You can read about group division and which categories are available here.

Managing director: Guðrún Jóna Stefánsdóttir

Head coach of fundamental groups: Valgerður Thoroddsen 

Group gymnastics head coach: Bergdís Katla Birgisdóttir

Yfirþjálfari áhaldafimleika: Bjarni Geir H. Halldórsson

Guðrún Jóna Stefánsdóttir
Valgerður Thoroddsen
Bjarni Geir H. Halldórsson
Bergdís Katla Birgisdóttir

Gróttu fimleikabolurinn fyrir iðkendur í grunnhópum og stubbafimi er til sölu á skrifstofu Gróttu.

Aðrar Gróttu vörur eru til sölu í vefverslun CRAFT. Sjá hér.


Fer fram í júní mánuði ár hvert (fyrir komandi vetur). Skráningargjald er 15.000 kr sem er óafturkræft en dregst frá æfingagjöldum næsta vetrar. Komi upp sú staða að fimleikadeildin þurfi að neita umsækjendum um pláss er möguleiki á að óska eftir að fá skráningargjaldið endurgreitt.

Toddler class

Skráning fer fram tvisvar sinnum á ári, í júlí og í desember. Skráning hefst 1. júlí fyrir haustönn og 1. desember fyrir vorönn sem hefst í janúar. Athugið iðkendur sem eru skráðir á haustnámskeið og einstaklingar sem eru á biðlista þurfa að skrá sig á ný. 

Handball division

The handball division serves for various age groups and the youngest group, 9 flokkur, is for 4-5 year old children. 

Head coach: Andri Sigfússon –

Project manager: Patrekur Pétursson Sanko –

New practitioners can try a few exercises before the practitioner is registered and training fees are paid. 

Aðrar Gróttu vörur eru til sölu í vefverslun CRAFT. Sjá hér.

Training schedule here.

Facebook groups for parents and coaches can be seen here.

Skráning fer fram í gegnum Abler hér

Football division

Grótta's football division caters for various age groups and the youngest group, 8 flokkur, is for 4-5 year old children.

Head coach: Paul Westren

Social media manager: Jórunn María Þorsteinsdóttir Bachmann

An information page for Grótta's junior divisions is on facebook. See here.

New practitioners can try a few exercises before the practitioner is registered and training fees are paid.

Training schedule here.

Registration is done through Sportabler here

Paul Westren
Jórunn María

Upplýsingar um nýskráningu fyrir foreldra og iðkendur í Abler hér

Ef þú þarft að tengjast Abler og þarft kóða fyrir réttan flokk – sendu tölvupóst á

Other information about the activities of the sports club Grótta can be found here.